
Re: Salt water caps, was earth resonance

Tesla List wrote:
> >From richard.quick-at-slug-dot-orgMon Sep  2 22:06:21 1996
> Date: Sat, 31 Aug 1996 19:09:32 GMT
> From: Richard Quick <richard.quick-at-slug-dot-org>
> To: tesla-at-poodle.pupman-dot-com
> Subject: Salt water caps, was earth resonance
> -> Another question, Tesla used salt water/glass
> -> capacitors which I've heard from several people have high
> -> losses.  Well if he used them and obtained the results he
> -> did then why is everyone moving to new age plastics.  I
> -> think one of the reasons that many of his ideas and
> -> inventions have not been replicated is that we have been
> -> blinded by modern day technology and techniques.
> Tesla did not use salt-water/glass capacitors because he was
> pleased with the performance. He used them because they were
> cheap and available. Do you honestly think that Tesla was not
> "new age" in his era?
> Do you honestly think that Tesla would not have used the highest
> Q, lowest loss capacitor that he could afford?
> No, the genius of the man was the fact that he was able to obtain
> the results he got with the materials he had at hand.
> Richard Quick

	I agree with you. Its pretty clear in the history books that
Tesla in his Colorado shop had a hard time finding components for
his projects. More than once he would have to travel to N.Y. and
have equipement shipped to Colorado.

D. Gowin