
ferrro resonant transformers

>You have a ferro-resonant transformer.  It is a cheap cop-out for people 
>too cheap to use real copper!
	Wellllllllll.  I dunno about 'dat.  8)>>

	All The Copper and Iron in the world, will only mimic voltage changes
	primary to seconday.  A well designed ferro-resonant system will hold
	voltage relatively constant on the load, over a range of loads and
	a range of input voltages.  They are not a substitute for an active
	regulator, but they have their place.

>These things do work, albeit in a stable environment of constant load.
	I have used em from 0 load to full load (of the device....).  
	They are not a cure all, they have their uses.  The down side is
	decreased efficiency, distorted secondary wave shape off primary

>For Tesla coil usage, you are asking for an early demise.  The capacitor 
>can be blown by the swings of the coil under heavy loads and kickbacks.  
	Wisdom spoken here....
