
Primary Diameter

In a message dated 96-09-04 01:19:20 EDT, Richard Hull wrote:

<< 	Freq unloaded 98.4KHZ
 	Freq loaded 56khz  all static measured values 
 	Toroid ~ 60"X13" aluminum
 primary:  110 feet of 5/8" copper water pipe.   4 feet in diameter
 	twelve turns in inverted very shallow archemedian spiral.  
 	tapped at 11th turn. (101 uh)
 Tank capacitor: .085ufd pulse type >>

Dear Richard,
The coil I am working on now sounds close to your nemisis.
16"dia sec, 80khz unloaded, 50khz loaded, 15kw 19.9kv pig,
primary current calculated (.1uf 109uh 11 turns) 858amps peak

I was originally planning on using 3/4" CU for the PRI.
Then I thought about using 1". Now I see your nemisis specs
using 5/8".

Question #1).
Is 3/4" fine for my application, or is going to 1" going to give
me better results? (and how much better)
my price for 100' 1"=$140, 100' 3/4"=$75

Question #2).
I am just plain curious, for your capacitance stated on the nemisis (.085uf)
was this a total for a balanced config or standard single cap config.

Kevin M. Conkey