
Re: 100 kva coil

Richard Hull wrote:


> reaching out this far.  I have a number of videos of Leyh's coil in
> operation.  It appears that he can easily hit 25 feet straight line
> discharge path (power unknown in that particular video.)  This is quite
> efficient for the estimated power input (20-30KVA)  What is your best
> point to point spark and highest power Greg that was actually tape
> measured out??).

Good guess!  25 feet is about right for horizontal strikes when the coil
is first turned on.  After approximately 10 seconds though, sufficent amounts 
of ions and heat convection develop to direct the arcs upward, at which 
point the streamers can connect with some steel roofing trusses about 
30 feet away from the toroid.  The AC power usage is actually about 45kVA
on the meters at full gap speed.  I hope to get that down to about 35kVA
with some modifications to the primary circuitry.

Regarding the 500kVA system:
A 35 million volt coil!?!  I would like to see the component values 
for that one, given that  Cpri X (Vpri)^2 = Csec X (Vsec)^2.

Come on Bill, whatever happened to the Conservation of Energy???