
Re: Big conical TC

> Perhaps someone else is
> familiar with this coil and can tell us if it still exists and more
> importantly, if it still works.
> Skip


You're thinking of the Griffith Park Observatory in L.A.
My son, an friend and I just got back today from a trip to
see that coil. It was all our first time (my son is 16 months

The coil is conical, about four feet tall and puts off a nice
four foot (maybe 4.5') arc to the wall. Glass caps, rotary
spark gap, 1" copper strap primary (~12 turns), secondary had
thick (cotton coated?) wire and a sphereoid discharge terminal.

The museum guy that ran it (10 minute demo w/10-15 5 second runs)
explained it as a step up transformer (oh well) and did the usual
lit tube stuff.

Really a "Mecca" like experience...  ...Jeff