
Re: Big Triode Tubes

>From: Malcolm Watts <MALCOLM-at-directorate.wnp.ac.nz>
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Subject: Re: Big Triode Tubes

>> Dan,
>>     How about a "blown" neon for the filament supply? 7.5V -at- 65A
>> is 12 turns of #4 on 1 half of my dead jefferson 15kV 60mA neon.
>> Winding the other side with the same number of turns will give you
>> 7.5V -at- 130A. You could also put half as many turns on each side and
>> then put them in series to put the center tap to ground.
>You could pop a heater winding on one leg and a suitable HT winding 
>on the other for an all-inclusive compact supply. The insulation 
>should certainly be there.
>    I wonder about the wisdom of using the shunted core for a 
>filament supply though. Seems to me that voltage regulation will be 
>rather poor.
	The regulation will be poor, if one tries to run the xformer
near it's power limit. If one runs it below that it should be better,
particularly given tungsten's 10:1 resistance change over temp.

I just reread and rethough the previous paragraph. I'm not sure how
poor a shunt limited xformer's regulation really is. A test is in

