
Re: Any Reason For This???

Gcerny wrote:

> Fellow sparkers,
> While firing my 6" coil the other night I decided
> to put my earlier 4" on a chair so that the top bushing
> was about 2' away from the 6" coils torroid just
> to see what would happen.  I expected the arcs
> to strike the top terminal of the 4" and who knows
> maybe what else?   I was suprised that rather than
> hit the top terminal the arc took a direct path
> about a third way down the 4" coil puncturing a
> hole through the Behr build 50 and stayed there
> like it was glued solidly.  Anyone have a idea why
> this arc missed a brass terminal that was about 6"
> closer and took the hard road through epoxy and
> formvar to find happieness?
> My explaination to the bystanders that night was
> "RF is some weird stuff".  Perhaps someone could
> be a little more technical.
> Glenn

Arcs are simply cruel and malicious.  Don't make them angry.