
Re: Light Bulb Experiment (ala Brent Turner)

>Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 01:47:33 -0700
>From: open_minded <bturner-at-apc-dot-net>
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Subject: Re: Light Bulb Experiment (ala Brent Turner)

>I *remember* that incandescent lamps have negative-resistance
>characteristics, but I could be wrong. I do recall that the negative
>resistance change is one reason why a lamp is used in a Wein-bridge
>oscillator though.

Sorry Brent,
	Tungsten has a very strong positive temp. coefficient. It's
this strong increase in resistance with temperature (power) that is
used to stabilize the loop gain of a Wein bridge oscillator at 1.
This prevents the oscillation from growing in magnitude and distorting
the output sine wave as the amplifier exceeds it's linear range.
