
Re: 100 kva coil

Tesla List wrote:
> >From ed-at-alumni.caltech.eduSat Sep 21 12:17:42 1996
> Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 19:53:35 -0700 (PDT)
> From: "Edward V. Phillips" <ed-at-alumni.caltech.edu>
> To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Subject: Re: 100 kva coil
> Re: Bill Wysock
>         He gave a demo at local radio station KRLA a few months
> ago.  Wind was blowing and apparently he could only get 20 to
> 25 foot sparks.  Fellow who saw the demo thought he was making
> excuses, but I'm sure he was giving the straight skinny about the
> effect of the wind.  Can see it here even when I blow with my
> lungs at the toroid on my little coil.
>         At the time of the demo Bill announced he was going to have
> to find someplace new to keep his stuff (big coil had apparently
> been stored outdoors!!!!) and it might be a while before he did
> anything.
> Ed Phillips


The slightest and most gentle zephyer will decimate a Tesla arc!!!  
Outdoor coils are always at the mercy of the wind.  Get your nice 
perfomrer coil and take a large window fan and blow right at the toroid. 
 I turned a three foot hot arc into an 8" streamer with such an 
experiment.  Ions are the arc in a coil!!!!!

Richard Hull, TCBOR