Arc length vs pwr
Hi All,
I am trying to compile a list of data points regarding the
relationship of output arc length to coil input power. I
would like to get data on as many different coil systems as
possible. If you have made reasonably accurate measurements
of these parameters on your coil, I would very much appreciate
your input. I am trying to come up with a physics model of
the enigmatic tesla coil arc, and need a varied selection of
empirical data points to help verify the model. After compiling
the data, I will publish the results here.
The most important parameters for this study are:
Total AC input power (watts)
Output arc length (inches)
Gap repetition rate (pulses per second)
Other useful data to include:
Output frequency (Hz)
Primary capacitance (uF)
Primary voltage (V)
Secondary (or tertiary) inductance (mH)
Thanks in advance, Greg