Re: Big Triode Tubes
Just a thought if anyone considers rewinding a neon for a bottle
power supply...
> > How about an ARC welder! I'm being sarcastic, the tube I'm
> >looking at is 7.5 V at 100 Amps on the filament. I'll probably use
> >a balanced neon for the plate, but I'll need to experiment and find
> >what filament currents will work. I already recognize that if the
> >current is to low, it will take forever to heat the tube.
> >
> Dan,
> How about a "blown" neon for the filament supply? 7.5V -at- 65A
> is 12 turns of #4 on 1 half of my dead jefferson 15kV 60mA neon.
> Winding the other side with the same number of turns will give you
> 7.5V -at- 130A. You could also put half as many turns on each side and
> then put them in series to put the center tap to ground.
You could pop a heater winding on one leg and a suitable HT winding
on the other for an all-inclusive compact supply. The insulation
should certainly be there.
I wonder about the wisdom of using the shunted core for a
filament supply though. Seems to me that voltage regulation will be
rather poor.