
Re: Thoriated Tungsten vs Pure


I've heard three reasons for NOT using thoriated tungsten rods in a
rotary spark gap:

1. The thoriated kind are somewhat more expensive

2. The doping material (Thorium) is radioactive, and when in use will
generate particles of radioactive material that can be inhaled, etc.
However, it must not be very radioactive, or there must not be very much
of it in the rods since I've never seen any warning labels.

3. Thoriating makes the rod easier to use when TIG welding since it
helps stabilize the arc. This may be related to why thoriated tungsten
filaments are used in high power transmitting tubes. However, if we want
to quench the arc, wouldn't pure tungsten rods be the better choice?

I'm designing my rotary now, and need to make a materials decision.
Thanks in advance!

-- Bert --