
Re: Home brew capacitor

Tesla List wrote:
> At the moment my motly collection of transformers are all rated at 10KV
> and comprise of two neons and two oil burners and can be conected in
> combinations to give up to 110 mA. In the distant future (as time is hard to
> come by at the moment) I hope to up rate to a microwave oven transformer
> supply at about 12KV, but have no plans to go any higher.
> *******************************************
> Ian Hopley ---->  i_hopley-at-wintermute.co.uk
> Aberdeen
> Scotland          Callsign  M M 1 A B A
> *******************************************

Hmmm...  I'd often considered the option of using a microwave oven
transformer, since I have about a half dozen of them, ( plenty of spares
if _one_ was to burn up ?) but I am not sure what their ratings are. 
But they seem appropriate for driving high frequency, high voltage
circuits, ie. microwave generation...

Anyone tried this?

doug swanson   (des-at-ellijay-dot-com)