
Other changes

Jim recently asked me if I made any other changes to my system other than in
the primary which may be related to my recent problems.  I said no but last
night I realized that it was at the same time that I completely rebuilt the
main RF ground.  I drove in three 8 ft copper rods in a triangle with 8 foot
legs.  Then I connected all three together with galvanized roof flashing and
then soldered the flashing to the ground rods.  Then I covered the whole
thing with about 100 lbs of rock salt.  The connection from the ground system
to the coil was also changed to use 6" wide flashing about 5 feet total to
the bottom of the secondary.  The old system used three 8 ft rods driven in
about four feet apart, connected together with #6 twisted bare copper house
ground wire and connected to the coil with about 20 feet of the same wire.

The coil now should see a much better ground.  Can this be the cause of all
my primary and AC feed problems???

Ed Sonderman