
Re: Cap charge, where is it?

RE: "Styrofoam cut" stunt

	This one works even better with a solid plastic
cup or "glass".  For example, if you let the sparks from
even a tiny VDG play on the cup with your fist inside, then
take it away from the Van de Graaf and bring the other hand
up to the outer surface, you will get quite well zapped.
	Same thing can happen if you have an evacuated
tube, hold it by the envelope and let the sparks go to
the socket, then take it away and put your fingers on one
of the socket pins.  In this case the charge is on the
tube "works", I guess.
	Come to think of it, and in reference to observations
of residual charge on TC's when the power is off, I suspect
the same plastic cup experiment would work with a small (so as
not to melt a hole through the cup and your fist) Tesla coil.
Why doesn't someone try it and report?
Ed Phillips