
Re: Spice simulation pictures

I haven't tried Termans formula yet.  Terman is a good book.  I think
that I have a copy somewhere but can't find it yet.  I ended up
with the bessel functions after trying several different formulae.
I tried to Excelize the figures and formulae in your nice book
but had trouble with things going negative at the edges.
Some things are easier to program than to try shortcuts
such as spreadsheets which I haven't learned yet.
The fortran program with the bessel functions came closest
to giving believable Rac/Rdc for all values tried.  I have
written a fortran program that solves for the Rac/Rdc and
proximity effect using bessel functions, inductance and
mutual inductance using complete and incomplete elliptic
integrals of all three kinds using Gaussian and Burlisch
numerical techniques, I haven't coded the RLCMRLC
differential equations yet.  I haven't coded the ionic
interactions at the toroid i.e. nXRLC circuits in parallel
with variable R, L, and C.  I haven't coded the
electromagnetic radiation affects nor the electrostatic
effects from the electron cloud surrounding the toroid.

Excel would be easier to debug.  By the way, who has
access to Excel spreadsheet on this list.  It would be a
nice way for exchanging formulae.  I have a Tesla coil
analysis spreadsheet made up with wire tables and the
kitchen sink (except Ras/Rdc) that I would be glad to
share with everyone.  Those who know Excel better
than I could help me to put in the fancier calculations.

|From: "tesla-at-poodle.pupman-dot-com"-at-PMDF-at-PAXMB1
|To: Benson Barry; "Tesla-list-subscribers-at-poodle.pupman-dot-com"-at-PMDF-at-PAXMB1
|Subject: Re: Spice simulation pictures
|Date: Wednesday, October 30, 1996 9:48AM
|<<File Attachment: 00000000.TXT>>
|>|> |> Subject: Re: Spice simulation pictures
|>|> |Subject: Re: Spice simulation pictures
|>|> |> Subject: Re: Spice simulation pictures
|>|> Subject: Re: Spice simulation pictures
|>|Subject: Re: Spice simulation pictures
|>Subject: Re: Spice simulation pictures
|>|Subject: Re: Spice simulation pictures
|>|> |> Subject: Re: Spice simulation pictures
|>|> |Subject: Re: Spice simulation pictures
|>|> |> Subject: Re: Spice simulation pictures
|>|> Subject: Re: Spice simulation pictures
|>|Subject: Re: Spice simulation pictures
|From couturejh-at-worldnet.att-dot-netTue Oct 29 22:49:50 1996
|Date: Tue, 29 Oct 1996 19:34:48 +0000
|From: "John H. Couture" <couturejh-at-worldnet.att-dot-net>
|To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
|Subject: Re: Spice simulation pictures
|At 05:25 AM 10/29/96 +0000, you wrote:
|>|> |> Subject: Re: Spice simulation pictures
|>|> |Subject: Re: Spice simulation pictures
|>|> |> Subject: Re: Spice simulation pictures
|>|> Subject: Re: Spice simulation pictures
|>|Subject: Re: Spice simulation pictures
|>From Benson_Barry%PAX5-at-mr.nawcad.navy.milMon Oct 28 21:44:11 1996
|>Date: Mon, 28 Oct 1996 07:50:00 -0400 (EDT)
|>From: Benson_Barry%PAX5-at-mr.nawcad.navy.mil
|>To: tesla-at-poodle.pupman-dot-com
|>Subject: Re: Spice simulation pictures
|>The book is "Advanced Mathematics for Engineers" by Reddick & Miller.
|>Thanks for the good data.
|> ----------
|>|From: "tesla-at-poodle.pupman-dot-com"-at-PMDF-at-PAXMB1
|>|To: Benson Barry; "Tesla-list-subscribers-at-poodle.pupman-dot-com"-at-PMDF-at-PAXMB1
|>|Subject: Re: Spice simulation pictures
|>|Date: Thursday, October 24, 1996 2:58AM
|>|<<File Attachment: 00000000.TXT>>
|>|> |> Subject: Re: Spice simulation pictures
|>|> |Subject: Re: Spice simulation pictures
|>|> |> Subject: Re: Spice simulation pictures
|>|> Subject: Re: Spice simulation pictures
|>|From bert.hickman-at-aquila-dot-comWed Oct 23 21:19:14 1996
|>|Date: Tue, 22 Oct 1996 22:09:40 -0700
|>|From: Bert Hickman <bert.hickman-at-aquila-dot-com>
|>|To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
|>|Subject: Re: Spice simulation pictures
|>|Tesla List wrote:
|>|> I am working on a spread sheet in Excel but
|>|> haven't figured out how to do summations
|>|> in spreadsheeteese for calculating the
|>|> bessel function expansions for solving for
|>|> Rac/Rdc from the formula I got in Reddick's
|>|> book.
|>|> Barry
|>|<Big SNIP>
|>|>From a very _practical_ standpoint, most coilers find it considerably
|>|simpler to wind the coil, measure the Q, then back-figure the effective
|>|Rac. In fact, the problem posed by Robert Stephens was the _first_ time
|>|I actually had any need to compute the impact of proximity effect...
|>|Safe and not-too-theoretical coilin' to ya!
|>|-- Bert --
|  Barry $ Bert -
|Have you found the Rac for any of your coils?
|I have a graph in one of my books that shows the effective resistance vs
|wattage for a typical Tesla coil. It is based on a Q factor graph in
|Terman's book and other information. This information was used to
|back-figure the Rac.
|The graph can then be used to estimate Rac at the design stage before a 
|is built. However, I have not had been able to verify this graph because I
|have not found coilers who make these tests and calculations.
|Jack C.