More New Coil
Hi all,
After two coats of varnish I decided to measure the coil
more closely. The final spec. after winding (and some former
modification) is:
Former = acrylic skeleton w. single layer of 1/8" LDPE sheet over it
Dwire = 0.9mm (copper diameter)
H = 39"
D = 16.8"
H/D = 2.3 roughly
N = 1000 turns
TPI = 25.6 or thereabouts
L(meas) = 162mH
C(calc) = 23pF
Fr projected = 82kHz without top hat. I won't be checking this
parameter until after all varnish has been applied (about 2 weeks).
Winding was not without one or two slight technical hitches (most
notably barely avoiding wire bunching) but generally looks OK. Here's
to a bit of serious coilin' in the not-too-distant future.
I am hoping to have a go at metal spinning some terminals for it
and that'll probably be the next item on the agenda.