Re: Arc length vs pwr
Tesla List wrote:
> >> Subject: Re: Arc length vs pwrRe: Arc length vs pwrRE: Arc length vs
> >Subject: Re: Arc length vs pwrRe: Arc length vs pwrRE: Arc length vs
> >> Subject: Re: Arc length vs pwrRe: Arc length vs pwrRE: Arc length vs
> >From wb8jkr-at-juno-dot-comTue Oct 15 22:10:15 1996
> Date: Tue, 15 Oct 1996 05:25:25 EDT
> From: Mark S Graalman <wb8jkr-at-juno-dot-com>
> To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Subject: Re: Arc length vs pwr
> On Mon, 14 Oct 1996 22:25:28 -0600 Tesla List <tesla-at-poodle.pupman-dot-com>
> writes:
> >> Subject: Re: Arc length vs pwrRe: Arc length vs pwrRE: Arc length vs
> >pwrRe: Arc length vs pwr
> >
big snip
> >>
> >> Any theories as to where the energy goes that is lost due to
> >coupling?
> >>
> >> -GL
> >
> >
> >Greg,
> >
> >I would image that any flux lines that are not common to both coils
> >are
> >just lost, provided they do not couple to something else nearby in
> >either the expansion of collapse phase of the primary magnetic energy
> >pulse. (ground, effective shorted turns, etc). Most of this magnetic
> >
> >energy would collapse back in on its source coil. (the primary). If
> >we
> >open it though, (quench the spark), the voltage induced in it is never
> >
> >forced to do work and is lost. Those flux lines common to both the
> >secondary and the primary would induce voltage in the secondary as
> >well
> >as the primary. Some small amount of energy would most likely radiate
> >away as RF obeying the inverse square law.
> >
> >Richard Hull, TCBOR
> >
> This is just a thought, but wouldn't any energy in the
> primary tank that wasn't utilized in coupling to the
> secondary simply remain in the primary as reactive power
> creating a "standing wave" on the next primary half cylcle? I know what
> I'm trying to say, I just don't know
> if I'm saying it right <G>
> Mark Graalman TCBA#1399
This is a good thought. The reactive energy recaptured in the primary
coil from the collapsing flux would not do anything though if the primary
circuit were open. (arc quenched, gap deionized) In short, it got "all
dressed up and has no where to go" Yes there is some capacitance in the
primary coil and yes it could ring up to some super high frequecny as a
separate resonator coil, but the bulk of the energy just disappates into
space as lost magnetic energy. We certainly don't see it doing any work
in the coil system. (Again, all of this assumes we did quench flawlessly
and on time!)
Richard Hull, TCBOR