
Re: oil filled resonators

Tesla List wrote:

> >From MALCOLM-at-directorate.wnp.ac.nzMon Oct 14 21:28:58 1996
> Date: Tue, 15 Oct 1996 09:50:59 +1200
> From: Malcolm Watts <MALCOLM-at-directorate.wnp.ac.nz>
> To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Subject: Re: oil filled resonators


> Could someone please post on what plastics are resistant to attack
> from commonly used oils?
> Malcolm

		                25 Deg 
               	Typical  	 With 
Common	        Trade	        Mineral 
Symbol:         Name	          Oil 
=======         =========       =======
ABS     	 Cycolac 	   * 
CAB     	Butyrate 	   * 
CPVC    	    -    	   A 
Epoxy Glass	   G10   	   A 
Epoxy	            -    	   A 
HDPE    	    -    	   B 
LDPE    	    -    	   B 
POM     	Delrin   	   A 
PA 6    	Nylon 6  	   A 
PA 66   	Nylon 66 	   A 
PC      	Lexan    	   C 
PET     	Mylar    	   A 
PI      	Kapton   	   A 
PMMA    	Plexiglas	   B 
PP      	    -    	   C 
PS      	    -    	   D 
PTFE    	Teflon   	   A 
PUR     	    -    	   * 
PVC     	    -    	   A 
PVF     	    -    	   A 
PVDF    	Kynar    	   A 
   A: No significant impact		
   B: Slight Swelling and absorbtion		
   C: Moderate Attack. Limited Life		
   D: Decomposes/Dissolves	
   *: No Data Available	


-- Bert --