Re: TC Secondary Base Power
At 04:25 AM 10/22/96 +0000, you wrote:
>From rwall-at-ix-dot-netcom-dot-comMon Oct 21 21:18:11 1996
>Date: Sun, 20 Oct 1996 19:40:29 -0700
>From: Richard Wayne Wall <rwall-at-ix-dot-netcom-dot-com>
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Subject: TC Secondary Base Power
>To All,
>I am attempting to measure power output from the base of a small
>quarter wave TC secondary.
>Since the secondary coil is oscillating as a tank circuit with the
>toroid and counter poise (earth) as capacitor plates (a very gross over
>simplification), shouldn't energy transfer at the base of the coil
>equal energy transfer at the top of the coil?
>I have a phase corrected 12 kv 60 ma neon and power input should be
>easy to measure. Base power measurement is in watts. Over all TC
>power efficency should be easy to calculate.
>Any thoughts?
Hi Richard -
I have performed this test and show the results in my Tesla Coil
Construction Guide. Plans for the coil are also shown. The power transformer
is a 7500 volt, 30 ma neon. The test is unique because it shows how to
easily measure the pulses in the secondary that must be integrated. There is
a lot more Tesla coil information in the book.
Jack C.