
Measuring the waveform and current of a streemer.

rwstephens wrote

... snip

>I wouldn't mind placing a battery powered scope 
>in a faraday cage and sit it on top of the toroid with an RF current 
>probe around a piece of wire sticking out of the toroid sideways that 
>will create a streamer.  This way with a telescopic optical viewing 
>device we could observe the current waveform being launched from the 
>capacitance of the topload into a streamer to air and also into an 
>arc to a ground target.  

This could also be done by connecting a LED across a shunt resistor
on top of the toroid and getting the current to flow through resistor
and LED.  The light from the LED can then be detected by remote sensor
and the output monitored at a safe distance.  Trouble is it will
be half wave and difficult to calibrate.

For better measurements use FM to encode more acurate current measurements.
A single PLL chip, battery, and di-cast Al box should do it.

Julian Green