Re: 50 KVA Power Supply
> From: Richard Quick <richard.quick-at-slug-dot-org>
> Quoting Jeffrey Wiggins <73041.2215-at-CompuServe.COM>:
> > You are begging a question, here...
> > WHY did you have a burned-out cable feeding your house?
> Without dragging this out too long off topic, it had nothing to
> do with me. Apparently the cable was flawed, cut, or strained
> during the installation in the concrete "conduit" under the
> street. Moisture got into the cable and corroded the aluminum
> conductor through. I was not coiling at the time of the failure.
I'm certain RQ hasn't used his household ground for grounding the
secondary but it might be possible to energize the ground-wire enough to
cause di-electric breakdown of the insulation of the cable (arcing to real
"ground") and thus give a path for moisture.. Oh well, propably not
something to consider especially as most high-power-coilers are using a
dedicated grounding.
Kristian Ukkonen.