Re: TC Secondary Base Power
At 10:25 PM 10/23/96 -0600, you wrote:
>> >Subject: TC Secondary Base Power
>>From hullr-at-whitlock-dot-comWed Oct 23 21:42:14 1996
>Date: Wed, 23 Oct 1996 10:35:27 -0700
>From: Richard Hull <hullr-at-whitlock-dot-com>
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Subject: Re: TC Secondary Base Power
>Richard Hull answers Richard Wall:
>Absolutely!!! The resonator can be sort of,... kinda,... maybe,...be
>viewed as a laser cavity. The primary is the flash lamp. (energy input
>source). The helix of wire is the tuned cavity. The ground is the 100%
>reflective mirror. The toroid end is the partially silvered output
>mirror/window. A bigger toroid (heavy silvering) traps energy within the
>cavity longer increasing the relative rise of power, via multiple
>reflections, but reduces the output duty cycle. Smaller toploads or no
>toroid (very light silvering) allows the system to function but the
>energy output is minimal but more continuous. Energy is conserved , as
>always, but the output appears vastly different in the two cases. The
>energy in the coil is blasted in and out of the ground at the resonant
>frequency. 100% of the cavity energy (energy actually circulating in the
>resonantor tank system) passes through this connection!
>Lousey grounds show up as a real loser...the once 100% silvered mirror
>(ground) is now only partially reflective and emitting or releasing some
>of the trapped cavity energy!
> There is some loss, or energy differential between this point and the
>actual ouput point, (heat, skin losses, resistive losses, etc), but it is
>fairly minimal in a good system. This is where the rubber meets the
>road! I would say that a measure of the base energy would closely follow
>the actual output energy of the system.
> From my measurements ( not calculations) made in the past on two coil
>systems, this is on the order of only 10-20% of the wall outlet supplied
>If you want to see nasty raw RF power,.. If you want to smoke
>instruments,... stick 'em in the base/ground circuit of a big system.
>Richard Hull, TCBOR
Richard, I love your Tesla coil/LASER analogy. I'm jealous because I never
saw the similarity myself!
Bert Pool