Re: Home brew capacitor
[big snip]
>> |
>> |> Also, I think Perspex is the same thing as Plexiglas (Polymethyl
>> |> Methacrylate - PMMA). My plastics supplier's chemical resistance tables
>> |> indicate that PMMA is slowly attacked by transformer or mineral oil,
>> |> which is why I opted to use PVC seperator plates instead. However, I've
>> |> never heard of any coilers having oil leakage failures when using
>> |> Plexiglas top plates on the rolled caps...
>> |
>> |Ouch! I've got my plate cap in a perspex container. So far it seems
>> |OK with transformer oil but I'll keep an eye on it. Thanks for the
>> |warning.
>> |
>> |Malcolm
>> |
>> |PS - Welcome back Ian.
>> |
Wild Bill Emery, here in Dallas, Texas, has had a flat plate capacitor in
mineral oil for 7 or 8 years with no problems. The plexiglass has held up
perfectly. Unless you are using some kind of weird oil, I don't see acrylic
as a problem.
I would like to comment on using silicone sealants with oil: don't. I just
made a real mess trying to use GE silicone sealant to glue a bottom onto a
piece of pvc pipe. It lasted less than 24 hours! I cleaned up the mess and
redid it with J.B. Weld brand epoxy. This stuff is great!
Bert Pool