
Re: More capaciter Questions

On Fri, 18 Oct 1996, Tesla List wrote:

> 6.  There is going to be a hamfest in Tampa FL which I am planning on
> attending and was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for things to
> look out for that I will really need in the future?

Very useful stuff:

1. Signal generator and frequency counter (used w/LED's to characterize
2. Vacuum tube voltmeter (used with 1 to characterize primary)

Useful stuff:

3. Oscilloscope (doesn't have to be 50-100mHz, 5 mHz works fine for most
coils).  Old Tek tube scopes are the most rugged around T-coils and can be
picked up cheap.
4. LCR meter (to check your caps and coils)

Good things to keep an eye out for:

5. Magnet wire
6. Variacs, 120V and 240V (make sure it's 60Hz, not 400Hz or 800Hz)
7. High voltage caps
8. High voltage transformers
9. Motors
10 Antenna tuners (variable inductors)

Steve Roys.