Dwell times and coupling
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Hi Group,
Some thoughts on coupling:
I did some spice simulations changing only the coupling coefficient.
Here are the results, also pictures available at ftp://d0huff.fnal.gov/ftp
Coupling Time Voltage
0.2 11.142us 217.94KV
0.1 21.236us 177.76KV
0.08 26.235us 162.30KV
0.06 31.235us 142.08KV
0.04 41.235us 112.77KV
0.02 66.236us 68.62KV
0.01 91.237us 37.80KV
The times are where the voltages are maximum. Again this is for a 200KHz
resonant TC.
It appears you want as much coupling as possible without primary-secondary
arcing(submersed in oil?)
Lower coupling means longer dwell times (more primary cycles to ring up the
and less voltage. With losses in the system, resistance for one, each extra
cycle loses energy to heat.