
Re: Radical Flat Cap design

David writes....

> It has been recommended that "multiple" layers of dielectric be used in order
> to minimize the chance of  breakdown due to flaws in the dielectric.  While
> philosophically correct, this practice usually causes problem when
> implemented.  Most home brew cap builders build with what is available.  What
> is typically available at most home supply and hardware stores is roll
> polyethylene with a maximum thickness of 6 mills.  In order to build a robust
> cap with a dielectric thickness of 90 to 120 mills, 15 to 20 layers of
> dielectric material between plates is required.  This implementation is
> seriously flawed!  

<snip rest of great post>
What type of paper was used, and how much did it effect the 
capacitance of the unit? This is a great idea. It might be just the 
thing I've been needing to oil-fill my custom rolled design. I am
something of a believer that good caps _can_ be built for Tesla use 
by home builders and you've just reinforced my faith. Nice one!
