
Re: Ball Lightning.

      You wrote on this thread....

<big snip>
> Thanks for the additional info! Sounds like you certainly had an
> interesting experience. From what you've described, it sounds like the
> fireballs contained copper, and my guess is that somehow you had a poor
> connection that overheated, starting an RF arc, which then vaporized a
> quantity of insulation and copper. Its not clear that the current levels
> alone from the bottom coil would ever be great enough to cause a 24 AWG
> wire to melt... Very odd!! However, if you were only getting "wimpy"
> sparks, the 2KW was being dissipated _somewhere_, and you may have also
> been out of tune.
> Was your second secondary fairly distant from the first coil, and did
> either coil have a discharger on top? Any idea what primary frequency
> you were running at the time? Do you know the natural frequency of your
> unloaded coils? This _really_ sounds like an interesting experiment to
> try duplicating with a fire extinguisher nice and handy!   <|:?) 
> Anyone else have any ideas about what might have happenned?? 

NO, but by gum I want to try it. I have wanted all my life to see 
ball lightning or something approaching it to observe it firsthand and 
study its characteristics. When my coiling problems are sorted out I 
will too. Thanks to all for a fascinating discovery and ideas.
