Re: What efficiency?!
You wrote:
>> If you sparked into water contained within
>> a chamber then the energy could be
>> ascertained from the water temperature
>> maybe. The capacitive loading of the
>> water would have to be accounted for in the
>> coil's tuning.
>> Barry
>I gotta "pun out' here and say that sounds "all wet" to me! Actually,
>the water load would be tremendous and alter the characterisitics of
>the system over air. Again, I'm not trying to get overall efficiency,
>just spark efficiency in air.
>Richard HUll, TCBOR
Actually discharging a TC into H2O is extremely dangerous. A friend's
father did just this and distroyed his basement lab. To use an an old
friends analogy, a consumptives cough is a mere capacitor explosion,
but this experiment is an R. Hull water arc explosion. A few orders of
magnitude greater, no doubt.
Mr. Sakovich was trying to do H2O hydrolysis with a TC. Fortunately,
he had the foresight to have Gene and himself in another room when he
threw the switch. It freightened him so badly that he never coiled
Gene Sakovich is not on this list but I will provide his private email
address for those interested in the details.