
RE: Sparks to ground

Can you get a measurement of the spark current via
current probe around a grounded wire?  Need to insulate
the probe from the ground wire with a plastic tube for
about a foot on either side of it.  The scope will need to
be shielded (galvanized trash can + radioshack inverter
+ car battery).  From the current the spark channel
impedance may be roughrd out thus giving a rough
idea of just how much the spark does load the resonator!

|From: "tesla-at-poodle.pupman-dot-com"-at-PMDF-at-PAXMB1
|To: Benson Barry; "Tesla-list-subscribers-at-poodle.pupman-dot-com"-at-PMDF-at-PAXMB1
|Subject: Sparks to ground
|Date: Monday, November 18, 1996 11:00PM
|<<File Attachment: 00000000.TXT>>
|From hullr-at-whitlock-dot-comMon Nov 18 20:06:15 1996
|Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2000 02:35:50 -0800
|From: Richard Hull <hullr-at-whitlock-dot-com>
|To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
|Subject: Sparks to ground
|It has been stated on this list that one an arc contacts ground that the
|resonator Q goes into the hamper to near zip.
|I was reviewing some frame by frame video hits of maggey #11-E and note
|that the arc channel develops over an extended period of time!
|I note a spark approaching the heavily grounded aluminum siding on my
|house.  The contact occurrs, let us say, at t0, in frame, f0.  The arc
|channel is fairly dim, but contact is made and the arc channel is 115"
|long point to point.  In the next frame, f1, (1/30 second later) the
|channel doubles in brightness.(as measured by my light meter (spot
|reading).  In frame f2 the arc channel increases in brightness by another
|40% or so over the preceeding frame.  In frame f3, the channel retains
|about the same brilliance (white hot) as in f2 frame.  In frame f4, the
|channel starts to reduce its brightness and is about 65% of f2s level.
|Frame f5 shows a greatly reduced channel intensity and is just about 10%
|below that of f0s level.  In frame f5, The channel is just a faint mist
|of ionized vapor.  Frame f6, shows the channel to have disappeared.
|Assuming 400 BPS (which is my normal break rate), This means that the
|system has energy pops at the rate of about 13 pulses per video frame. so
|we see that from time of contact to max brighness,(more or less), we
|actually sent in about 52 energy pulses.  Is the electronic Q of the
|resonator system this slow to respond?!!  Energy delivery to the arc
|channel was consistently on the increase over this long period
|(~120,000 usec).
|The rise to max channel current is rather slow, compared to the
|extinguishing of the channel which never takes more than 2 video frames
|(1/15 sec-60,000usec).
|I am making no judgments here, only reporting observational fact.
|Richard Hull, TCBOR