
Re: Capacitor wanted

>Date: Wed, 13 Nov 1996 08:22:50 GMT
>From: PAUL MILLOTT <paulmil-at-ibm-dot-net>
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Subject: Re: Capacitor wanted
>I want to buy a ready built capacitor. I have a previous post with a
>telephone number on it for CP caps but the number is unobtainable. Can
>anyone put me in touch with a supplier of capacitors for TC use. I am in
>Malaysia so include the country codes if you know them.

	From Scott's prior post:


----------- begin include ---------------
Sender: USA Tesla List <USA-TESLA-at-USA.NET>
From: Scott Myers <scotty-at-WESNET.COM>
Subject:      Condenser Products
X-To:         rgramly-at-aol-dot-com, tesla-at-grendel.objinc-dot-com,
              Rich Gramly <rgramly-at-aol-dot-com>
To: Multiple recipients of list USA-TESLA <USA-TESLA-at-USA.NET>

Hi Rich,

> Do you have an address and phone # for Condenser Products?  Do they
> take single orders?

Yes, Condenser Products takes single orders.  But, they have a $150
minimum bill.  It is usually no problem to get there though.  $207 is
the figure you would spend for a .025 uF, 20,000 VAC RMS, pulse
discharge capacitor designed for a Tesla tnak circuit.  The model
of that particular unit is TC253-34-300.  They do make standard units
from 2,400 VAC RMS to 32,000 VAC RMS and .005 uF to .2 uF ratings.
Prices range from $67 to $520 for these standard units.

Their address & phone number is:

Condenser Products
2131 Broad Street
Brooksville, FL 34609
Phone: 904-796-3561
fax: 904-799-0221

Scott Myers
------------- end include ----------

Country code: 1