
Re: 50%

Tesla List wrote:
> Here's where maggies _should_ outshine 2-coil systems, since a maggie
> driver coil-pair can be set up for much higher k's than air-insulated
> 2-coil secondaries can withstand. Once we have a source of high current,
> low impedance RF to drive the base of the teriary coil, series LC
> resonant rise takes over, limited only be the Q of the coil. Richard's
> Maggie 11E is, without a doubt, the reigning champion for longest arc
> per coil length (>11:1), and MAY also be the champ for longest arclength
> versus input power for its power class!
> Has anyone gathered any sparklength vs power data for maggies?? Richard,
> Greg???
> Safe computin' to ya, Jack!
> -- Bert --


I hate using spark length for energy comparisons, but the maggies I have 
made seem to only outperform the two coil system at high powers (over 
5KVA).  I would put spark length of a "fixed form" at no more than 1.5 
times the two coil systems level of performance per unit input energy. 

 The key advantage is that tiny resonators can produce fabulous results 
and field shaping about the resonator can reach new heights of 
developnent and refinment without the nasty ole primary hangin' around 
tangling the experimenter up in his underwear.

Richard Hull, TCBOR