
Re: need pole pig advice

>Liked the photos on your web site. If I may ask, what did T&R ask for
>those 5kVA pigs? I'm in Oregon, but still would be interested in what
>your shiping charges were? One of these days I'll be like you all...
>Another job, more time, more space...
>David Trimmell <dwt-at-efn-dot-org>

Hi Dave,

The 5kVA 14.4kV pig was $190.  I'm on the east coast and shipping for the three
pigs came to around $200, if I remember correctly.  That's for something like
700-900lbs all the way from South Dakota.  The local shipping company took over
the last few miles, and there was a short ferry ride involved.

>>One of these days I'll be like you all...Another job, more time, more

I hear you!  Being an apartment dweller, my "pig coil" lives in a tool shed at
my folk's place 150 miles away.  Haven't had time to play with it since early

Charles Brush

p.s. Chip - Are you going to put your new photos on your web page?

[ I'm planning on taking some vacation soon for sys-admin and coiling
  purposes, as well as a few other things, and will try to do it then.
  (It's a home vacation, so everyone will still get their fix. -- Chip]