
Re: Transformer Info

>From jim.fosse-at-bdt-dot-comTue May 21 13:22:19 1996
>Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 06:04:09 GMT
>From: Jim Fosse <jim.fosse-at-bdt-dot-com>
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Subject: Re: Transformer Info

Chip Atkinson posted.
 <big snip>

Jim Fosse replied.

>Yes but just think of the increase in breaks per second if WE went to
>400hz power. I was just talking  with a Power Company friend of mine
>yesterday about how cheep 400 Hertz equipment is.

>Then we could go to 400 cycle (oops Hertz;)  3 phase and get virtually
>CW output. On the down side, I not sure how my 10kVA pole pig would
>react to 400 Hertz. And I don't even want to think about having to
>move 3 of them, just to set up;(   Lets see, 7 pounds of TC and 700
>pounds of pig;) And don't forget the 3 asynchronous rotary gaps to

>	cheers,

>	jim

I've thought about this 3-phase Tesla power supply application.  I 
agree that 400 Hz mains would really change the nature of the beast.
The major attraction for me for 400Hz would be the possibility that a 
very large military surplus generating plant might be obtained for 
far less than a similar 60Hz unit, because of almost zero application 
in everyday civilian industry.  You'd likely just be paying for the diesel 
engine and scrap value for the alternator.
With 400Hz, 3-phase thusly available at 50, 100,150 kVA? you go for a
high power DC-TC.  High voltage transformer (this will be hard to 
find),  three full wave rectifiers, big high voltage filter cap, HV series 
choke and just one, specially designed rotary break.  This break will 
need quite a high rep rate and an enormous power handling/quenching 
ability.  Unlike on AC service, with DC it will never get any time in 
the duty cycle to rest and cool.  Yeah, you'll probably need an SF6 
pressurized series quench gap as well!

Food for thought!

Happy coiling!,rwstephens