
Re: Update

 >It was pretty clear that the core is a standard design, meaning
 >that the HV winding was designed to be used in either one or    
 >two bushing applications. On to rewiring! RQ

Quoting DELCOKEVIN-at-aol-dot-com (Kevin M. Conkey)

> May I ask why one would want a 2 bushing pig as opposed to 1? 

With a one bushing pig (only one isolated HV terminal) you are
forced into one of two possible directions: 1) grounded tank
circuits, 2) Running the core "hot" by placing the transformer
on an insulated platform.

The first choice really limits your selection of tank circuit
configurations, and my experience with grounded tank circuits is
that they are generally lower Q than floating tank circuits that
oscillate ungrounded.

The second choice is not safe.

> And how much current did it take on the pri to get the xfmr to
> start to work? 

This of course depends on the circuit and the application. I have
been running this pig through the paces more or less to get a
feel for it. I have been testing, making changes, testing some
more, then making more changes. I guess the best answer I could
give would be "not much".

Richard Quick

... If all else fails... Throw another megavolt across it!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12