
RE: primary rewind?

 * Carbons Sent to: usa-tesla-at-usa-dot-net

Quoting coco-at-astroman-dot-com:

> Well...I have recently decided to rewind my secondary, from 
> 8.5" OD and 876 turns, down to 6.0" OD with about 520 or so 
> turns...I realized my previous secondary was way to low (Freq.)
> for my power suppply/caps...I went from about 120khz to 
> 280khz...

> My original primary is...12 turns of 3/8" copper tuing spaced 
> at 3/4" (to center) with an inside radius of 12"... this leaves
> a big distance between the primary and secondary... (3.0" all 
> around)...is there going to be any coupling at this distance..
> or should I not even test it and rewind a new primary closer 
> in?

You will couple enough for decent spark. You can always patch in
a section of conductor to add an inner turn, increasing your
coupling. While your setup is a bit roomy, I have fired worse (4"
all around) and still obtained a decent, if not respectable

Remember that most of the inductance in a flat or conical section
primary is in the larger outside turns.

Richard Quick

... If all else fails... Throw another megavolt across it!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12