Brief Update
To: tesla-at-grendel.objinc-dot-com
Subject: Brief Update
From: richard.quick-at-slug-dot-org (Richard Quick)
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 1996 01:21:00 GMT
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As I shift into higher gear putting my new Tesla lab together I
am finding my time to be more and more limited. I apologize if I
am not able to personally reply to everyone all the time, but I
have been putting in many late hours into the shop/lab. I have
unsubscribed from the usa-Tesla list to cut down on my mail.
I tested my new 100 amp 240 volt circuit by firing my 22890 volt
10kVA pole pig as a Jacob's Ladder. The arcs are simply
tremendous with the rails set wide and the current limiting
opened up to around 70-80 amps. The ammeter on my power cabinet
was pegged solid at 60 amps while the arc on the ladder was
bright enough to read by a few yards away. Plenty of smoothly
controlled juice to work with.
My next project turned to rewiring a heavy 25kVA pig that I have
had for a few years but still have not energized. Purchased for
$200.00 from a coiling friend off the back of a truck passing
through town, this monster weighs a cool 375 lbs. Unfortunately
the unit is only 7200 volts on the HV winding and has a single
bushing. On the plus side it is internally power factor
corrected, safety breakered, and has four low voltage tap
setting. Unfortunately I need a 14400 volt two bushing pig.
I popped the lid off the can and located the grounded end of the
HV winding bolted onto the top of the core under about 6 inches
of oil. Using an extension on a socket wrench I plan to unbolt
and free the grounded end of the winding, slip a plastic
insulation sleeve around it, and bolt the ring terminal to a
length of RG-213 coax center conductor. By drilling a small hole
through the lid of the can, I will be able to run a new hot wire
to an externally bolted bushing. This will give me a 7200 volt
two bushing pig.
Next I plan on rewiring the two LV windings in parallel, then
running 240-280 volts into the parallel windings to produce 14400
volts on the HV winding. The internal pfc caps may fail, but they
are easy to get to, being right on top of the taps/breaker
assembly. I can remove them if they fail and power factor correct
externally if required.
Considering that this pig is built like the proverbial brick
$#!*house I have no doubt that doubling the voltages on these
windings is going to bother things a bit. It is not like I am
going to warm it up or anything.
Richard Quick
... If all else fails... Throw another megavolt across it!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12