acrylic glueing
To: tesla-at-grendel.objinc-dot-com
Subject: acrylic glueing
From: DELCOKEVIN-at-aol-dot-com
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 1996 09:21:37 -0500
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I am now working with acrylic on my formless coil. I recall someone talking
of cracks forming when glueing acrylic. Could someone refresh me on that so I
do not repeat the same mistakes.
I would also like to ask why do you need to seal the tube at the ends?
Kevin M. Conkey
This acrylic potting compound I am using is great! (Castolite AP
Acrylic-Polyester casting plastic) Very hard, strong, and beautifully clear.
I tried a 2nd coil and found out that it accepts several coats if you wished
an extreamly thick coil.