
Re: Need Coiling Advice

Hi Tom,

On Tue, 11 Jun 1996, Tesla List wrote:

>           I am building my second generation secondary coil. It is a six
>           inch acrylic tube. I will be winding it with 22ga magnet wire.
>           My question is this: Do I need to apply a layer of epoxy on
>           the bare coil form before I begin winding? Any help would be
>           appreciated............

That would be an excellent idea! Of course, make sure the form is clean 
an smooth. Perhaps one or two layers would be good and keep it as even as 

Try something like Urethane (a type of thin clear varnish) which is a very good insultor.
I have completely covered my secondaries with this, and absolutely no 
problems with breaking down....

Remember also once the coil is wound to keep applying nice even coates 
until you can't see the rounding bumps of the coils. The winding (looking 
edge on) should be perfectly smooth as if wrapped in plastic.

Hope this helps....



-- "Who are the Federal Communications Commission and why do they 
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