Re: TCBOR Video Tapes
Tesla List wrote:
> >From rmessick-at-dttus-dot-comThu Jun 20 22:13:10 1996
> Date: Thu, 20 Jun 96 07:50:46 CST
> From: Richard Messick <rmessick-at-dttus-dot-com>
> To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Subject: TCBOR Video Tapes
> Can anyone (Richard Hull, perhaps?) provide some details on the topics
> available on the TCBOR videos? I've been trying to absorb as much
> information as possible prior to building my first coil, and from what
> I've read in numerous posts these videos are invaluable. At this
> point, I'm looking for any sort of "beginner's tape".
> Details on how to order (address, pricing, etc.) would also be
> helpful. Thanks!
> -Dick Messick
> Dick,
I think I have thrown this info out before. I think I just gotta' save
this file somewhere so I won't be retyping it a begillion times.
We have a full catalog of all of our tapes fully indexed with every
segment on every tape explained, so you can pick and choose which tapes
might interest you. These are our Video report tapes of our activities.
We have 52 2 hour VHS tapes currently available in this line of tapes.
For the raw beginner or person unfamiliar with coils or there
pieces-parts we have a series of "Educational tapes" (special) we have
about 8 in this series of tapes and all are two hours long.
The Report tapes are $20.00 each, but quantity discounts are avaialable
to go to as low as $15.00/tape. Quantity discounts start at 2 tapes.
The Educational tapes are $25.00 each and are of a more thorough and
basic nature and are aimed at the early coiler. There is no quantity
discount on these tapes. The most popular of these, is the "Tesla Coil
Video Primer" tape. Which takes you by the hand as we build and tune a
small tesla coil from scratch as you watch.
All prices include priority, 2 day U.S. mail postage to you. So there is
no postage/handling fees regardless of order size.
Our catalog is available for $3.00 cash, check, money order, whatever.
This is refunded on you first order by subtracting $3.00 from your total.
If you order a tape right off (like the Primer), we send the catalog
along free.
Make all checks, money orders out to RICHARD HULL anything else will be
Thanks for the interest in our work,
Richard Hull, TCBOR