Re: Pspice model of Tesla Coil
On Wed, 19 Jun 1996 22:25:07 -0600, Tesla List
<tesla-at-poodle.pupman-dot-com>, you wrote:
>>From misc3312-at-cantva.canterbury.ac.nzWed Jun 19 21:24:24 1996
>Date: Wed, 19 Jun 1996 22:10:49 +0000
>From: misc3312-at-cantva.canterbury.ac.nz
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Subject: Pspice model of Tesla Coil
>Hi everyone
>I am trying to model a Tesla coil using Pspice. To start with, I
>thought I'd try and model the lumped circuit as you would see in any
>schematic and see what I got. While I seem to be getting vaguely
>believable waveforms, the secondary voltage and current magnitudes
>seem way off (approx 10kV and 200mA peak respectively).
The Q of 10 for your primary circuit is within the limits that Malcolm
Watts and others have measured (<12). BUT, your secondary Q is very
low. Malcolm spent most;) of last December building and measuring the
Q of several secondary coils. All had Qs in the 182 to 451 range.
[snip; spice net list]
for a spark gap model, ftp over to my ftp site:
it was kindly provided by the author. Also some pics of Malcolm W's,
Robert S's and my TCs.
>All values are from measurements of my coil, except Rp and Rs for
>which I have assumed a Q of 10 for the primary and secondary and used
>this as a basis to calculate Rp and Rs to take into account losses due to the
>spark gap and arcing from the secondary.
While the Q of 10 for the secondary may be accurate after the spark is
struck; it's not valid for the peak voltage measurement you are trying
to model because you have to get the spark struck to lower the Q to
this value. If the Q were this value to begin with, the voltage rise
(10kV) would never get the spark struck in the first place, so your Q
would be higher! (now that's a circular argument, if I ever wrote
> Cs includes my toroid on the top of the secondary.
Your Cs seems a little low to me, my 8" by 20" secondary has a self C
of 13.5pF and my 28" by 4" toroid has a C of 30pF. You may have a
smaller coil though.
I'll send malcolm's Q data to you directly.