
Re: Skin Effect & Primary Current?

>From: Richard Hull <hullr-at-whitlock-dot-com>
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Subject: Re: Skin Effect & Primary Current?
[major snip]
>> WHAT? Mercury at 10nS. !!!! ?????  Why are Mercury Thyratrons So Slow?
>> If low pressure mercury arcs quench in 10nS. why use blown Cu/N2
>> gaps;) I think von Engel is off here (pun intended)
also see my later post about doing an 'about face'

>That was "RESTRIKE" time wasn't it?  That I can believe low pressure 
>mercury ionizes very quickly as its atoms are everywhere in a weak 
>vacuum!  It is the "QUENCH" time that is real poor.  The only real atoms 
>in a mercury rectifier/thyratron are metal atoms!  These are real hard to 
>quiet down or "un-excite" as they conduct lots of current.
I 'know of' but have no experience 'with' power tubes above the
several 10s of watt range. 6L6s' ARC5's (I don't remember the output
tube #, I can see it tho -- from 6' in the air) To the day-I-die, I
will remember the experience of going from a crouch to brushing the
ceiling with my head, by trying to INCREASE the light output of a 25W
bulb in my hand to the tank circuit; by grounding my other hand! Oops,
did I forget the 750V on that plate circuit? NEVER again! After 45
minutes, I stopped shaking, and the top of my head STILL hurt.

(see above) Was I confusing 'restrike' time with 'quench' time?
>This is why they are far better from a number of bullet-proof aspects 
>than any silicon diode. 
In a TC environment, YEA VERLY!
> If I remember correctly the "arc drop" of a 
>mercury tube is 13 volts.
Yes, it is low. I could argue (from old trivial info;) whether it's
13, 14 or 15 volts;)

