Upcoming activities
I know there are probably very few people on this list in the
Baltimore, MD area, but there is a hamfest coming up on Sunday, July
28. If it's not raining, I will be there tailgating and trying to recruit
members for the Tesla Coil Builders of Maryland (TCBOM) group that I'm
trying to get going.
After the hamfest, I will be hosting the first ever meeting of the TCBOM
and first annual TCBOM Teslathon and high voltage flea market. I've sent
out letters to 7 people I've met at local hamfests who have shown at
least a nominal interest in getting together. I don't know how may
people will actually show up, but hopefully there will be at least a few
people. I am encouraging peeople to bring along their show-and-tell stuff,
and the flea market is open to anyone who wants to drag some stuff along
to try to sell. If anyone is in the area for the hamfest or would like
to come on out for the afternoon activities, let me know and I'll send
you more information.
FYI - the hamfest is at the Timonium Fairgrouunds just north of Towson,
and I live about 30 minutes northwest of the hamfest.
Steve Roys.