
Re: CP Explosion & idea

On Sun, 30 Jun 1996, Tesla List wrote:

> >Gents,
> >If CP is not honoring warranty's, I certainly would not order anything

Fully agreed. A call to NWL is the way, it appears..

> the phone.  I explained what had happened to him.  He was quite 
> defensive and incredulous about a CP cap blowing.  He offered a litany 
> of user related reasons that could have caused the cap to blow.  Such 
> as, the cap had laid too long on one side allowing the oil to drain 
> down and creat a dry area on the top or that my TC system set up may 
> have caused the explosion, etc.!!  Their attitude is the customer must 

Wow.. Did they mention the specs how often you have to use a centrifuge to
balance the oil in the casing? ;) Seriously, that sounds really odd that
the caps can't stand being in one position - especially as this is the
first time I hear of it..  Do the CP have some documentary of HOW EXACTLY
their caps should be handled - like rotate it half a turn per week :) If
they have not provided such information it doesn't matter on the
guarantee.. IF they DO have such a documentary then we who have those
CP caps should definitely have one!!

> He said send the cap back and they would check it.  I countered that I 
> would first have someone examine it nondistructivly before I sent it 
> back.  He was not happy with this suggestion.

Take photos of the blown cap and mail them, please!

> satisfactory.  They billed and waranteed their cap as being able 
> withstand TC use, but when it failed on a very small system, they are 

Where does it READ that they are rated for TC use?? At least my cap had
just the rating in "VAC" with no indication of that being the pulse etc. 
rating.. Perhaps we presumed something after CP stating _unofficially_
something like "they work in TCs".. Perhaps CP should consult someone with
a high-powered TC for testing their caps as their testing methods seem to
be totally inadequate.. Too bad..

About homemade caps: has anyone tried using SF6 instead of oil?  It should
be easy to add (gas), replaces air efficiently (at least with a vacuum
first) and is not such a messy thing as oil..  I came to this idea when I
talked with a person who does work with HIGH powered electronics
(installations at power-companies etc.)  and he was surprised when I only
talked about oil as insulator etc.  and stated that nowadays they use SF6
in most places - oil is no longer used much.. He talked about xformers and
switches mostly.. Interesting! I don't have specs on SF6 so I can't
comment further but does anyone have an idea why it wouldn't work? SF6 is
heavier than air. AND with this if the cap even blew it could easily be
repaired (no oily sheets) and the tank repressurized.. btw: in
sci.inst.reviews long time ago there was an article about a TC with
primary&secondary in a tank filled with SF6 - it was a particle
accelerator set-up as a whole.. 

ps. Anyone out there with experience about working with a transmission
electron microscope? I acquired one and could use some pieces of advice.. 
Reply via personal e-mail for this, thanks, as it's non-tesla.

  Kristian Ukkonen.