Primary Q
To: tesla-at-grendel.objinc-dot-com
Subject: Primary Q
From: Esondrmn-at-aol-dot-com
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 1996 12:05:48 -0500
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I have not seen an answer to my earlier post on primary component
configuration. I would appreciate some input from those with experience in
this area.
I currently have my coil mounted on a roll around cart. It has a plywood top
and about 32" below that is a bottom shelf. The primary/secondary are
mounted on the top and the capacitor and spark gaps are mounted on the bottom
shelf. I have two problems here, the interconnections are all made with
RG213 (two pieces in parallel) which I think is too small - I plan to replace
all the interconnection wire, except the moveable tap lead, with 3/8" copper
tubing which is what the primary is wound with. The moveable tap lead I will
change to use three lengths of RG213 in parallel. I also want to shorten all
the interconnect lengths by physically raising the capacitor and gaps as high
up as possible. Will I encounter inferference problems with the primary if I
have these components mounted too close underneath? Like can I mount my
Condenser Products capacitor to the underside of the plywood that the primary
sits on? Or should I try to keep everything spaced a foot or so below that?
Thanks, Ed Sonderman