Re: primary calculations
To: tesla-at-grendel.objinc-dot-com, KLINEDA-at-univscvm.csd.scarolina.edu, Pyrofish-at-aol-dot-com, WMEYER-at-scientia.up.ac.za, bhaley-at-shore-dot-net, brad.alheim-at-the-spa-dot-com, coco-at-astroman-dot-com, frerichs-at-zfe.siemens.de, froula-at-cig.mot-dot-com, haba-at-snakemail.hut.fi
Subject: Re: primary calculations
From: Esondrmn-at-aol-dot-com
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 1996 17:16:37 -0500
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In a message dated 96-02-21 12:48:13 EST, tesla-at-grendel.objinc-dot-com writes:
> I just recalculated my new (#2) primary and came up with 92.4uH. I
>measured it at 124uH.
> OhOh, I just noticed I'm using diameters not radiauses. Retry: 143.4uH
>/ 124uH = 1.16 much better, given a 5% or 10% scope reading error. For 14
>turns I measured 101uH. No, let me rephrase that: for 14 turns, I measured a
>period of 7.4us using a 13.7nF cap. a function generator and a 10K series
>resistor between the generator and the LC. I varied the frequency of the
>drive signal to maximize the voltage across the tank circuit. I then
>measured the period of the signal with my Oscope. I calculated an inductance
>of 101uH from these numbers. Tomorrow night I'll check my Oscope against my
>short wave reciever to see if my scope has lost calibration. It's about 5
>years over due. I'll also check the numbers with the coil off the ground! It
>was about 2" from my damp concrete floor.
> the formula I'm using for a pancake coil is:
> 2 2
> L = a x n
> --------------
> 8 a + 11 w
> my coil measures:
> inside diameter: 11.75"
> outside diameter: 31"
> turns: 15.5
> 1/4" copper pipe on a 30 degree slope from horizontal.
> What are the diameters of you coil?
> jim
I also calculate 143 uh for your primary. My primary is 8.0" inside
diameter, 14 turns of 3/8" tubing with 3/8" spacing. I think the outside
diameter is about 26.5". It is 6.0" tall.
Ed Sonderman