tesla secondaries/locomotive wire
To: mail11:;-at-msd26.ENET.dec-dot-com (-at-teslatech)
Subject: tesla secondaries/locomotive wire
From: "I am the NRA." <pierson-at-msd26.ENET.dec-dot-com>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 96 14:14:19 EST
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Cc: pierson-at-msd26.ENET.dec-dot-com
>Timothy A. Chandler asks "How do I find the inductance of a Tesla coil"
>This question has no answer.
It has several. Depends on the coil, but:
>In fact, what you want to find is the self resonant frequency of the coil.
>This includes the distributed capacity of the windings. Forget about lumped L,
>these puppies are slow wave helical resonators.
Just so. However this touches on a theoretical point that has been
rattling thru my mind:
What if one so manages the secondary (tertiary, if used?)
design so that the distributed L/Distributed C AND THE
helical resonator mode are the same??
Are there inefficiencies assocaited with having two resonant freqs?
It seems there might, but i am speculating...
My (sideline) understanding is that 'helical resonator' approach
gets closer than 'distributed l/c approach'. Are there advantages
to aiming for both to coincide? (or is this routine and i missed it?)
Locomotive wire:
Well, as a railfan, of the technical style, i never heard the term.
The cable described appear suitable for wiring to tracion motors,
flexible, high current, maybe a litte light in insulation
for mechanical purposes.
A single lok may run 6,000 hp continuous, with 1000-1200V on the
traction motors. (say 1000 hp/750 KW each), meaning 100-200A