Re: Primary support
To: JOHN-at-link.co.nz
Subject: Re: Primary support
From: Esondrmn-at-aol-dot-com
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 1996 20:03:49 -0500
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Cc: tesla-at-grendel.objinc-dot-com
In a message dated 96-02-14 17:53:37 EST, JOHN-at-link.co.nz (JOHN-NP -at- LINK *
John Timmins) writes:
>To: esondrmn-at-aol-dot-com
>(Via unlicensed copy of UGATE)
>Hi Ed,
>I assume the files ES1 to ES10.JPG on the funet FTP site are yours. If so,
>can you advise me of the supports you used for the primary coil.
>Are they clear plastic triangles?
>How is the tubing attached to it?
>Looks like pretty large diameter tube. What size is it?
>Thanks in advance,
>John Timmins john-at-link.co.nz
Yes, the ES1 - 10 pictures are of my coil. I put a lot of design time and
construction effort into the primary. The vertical supports are made of .25"
acrylic. They are designed to produce a 30 degree saucer shaped coil. We
made a routing template to cut the raw pieces. Then indexed them on a
bridgeport mill and cut the slots into them to hold the 3/8" diameter copper
tubing. The slots are cut increasingly higher as you go around so the tubing
winds smoothly. I drilled 1/8" holes through the supports under each slot.
Then as I was laying the tubing in, I used waxed lacing cord to tie the
tubing in place at each slot/tubing junction. The vertical acrylic supports
are bonded to a large .25" thick acrylic circle.
After I got the primary form completed, it took about 5 hours to lay and tie
the copper tubing in place. I suspended a flat piece of plywood from the
ceiling about three feet above the coil form. I then set the coil of tubing
on the platform and let the end drop down to the form. Then I slid a 3/8"
tubing bender over the loose end and started forming it into place.
Ed Sonderman