
Re: TC Electrostatics


Ed wrote: 

>"If you shunt across your thermal RF meter with a diode one
>direction, then the other, you should be able to _safely_ measure any
>difference in magnitude between the positive and negative portions of
>the average coil-base current."
>	Think the resistance of the heater in the TC ammeter will
>be so low that the diodes will have no effect.
>Ed Phillips


The experimental data from shunting the thermo-galvanometer is on the 
table.  This is an extremely easy experiment to replicate.  The diodes 
are 12 kV PIV 550 ma microwave diodes.  MCM sells them for less than $2 
and Fair Radio sells Thermo RF ammeters for a few bucks.

The diodes definitely block base EM current.  We must also consider the 
electrostatic component.  Tesla certainly did.

Let us know how your experiment turns out.