
Re: TC Electrostatics (fwd)

Richard Hull wrote:

> > [snip]
> > >There's also
> > >strong empirical evidence that disruptive (but not CW) coils
> > >electrostatically "charge up" operators in a similar fashion, so there
> > >also appears to be some interaction(s) associated with the higher peaks,
> > >relatively low duty cycle, or damped wavetrains. But just how does this
> > >all fit together?? This is really interesting stuff!!


> > > Just thinking out loud,
> > >
> > > Dan
> Dan,
> I have published several scenarios similar to the one you depict above
> and it is most likely the causitive agent in this process.  You neglected
> coulombic acceleration from the discharger and the resulting failure to
> sweep up all the original ions.  Furthermore,  one charge polarity
> mechanism might prove to be more efficient than another.
> The charging and acceleration by coulombic forces would be greatest with
> a point attached to a massive terminal load. (which is what we have seen
> and verified.)  In addition, The pulses in the ring cycle are diminishing
> in amplitude with time.  It would stand to reason that the first pulse,
> where most of the energy of the cap is expended, would determine the
> charge polarity.  This has yet to be definitively shown, but will be
> thoroughly tested out in the near future.  Look for my Tesla
> electrostatics article in an upcoming TCBA NEWS.
> Richard Hull, TCBOR

Your theory of the DC component of the highly damped output waveform charging 
the test plate is an intriguing one, but I can't see how the output waveform
can have a net long-term polarity (seconds), given that the primary ckt is driven
by a AC source, and therefore operates in each polarity mode half of the time.

Still, there may be some form of imbalance at work in the charging of the pri
cap by the HVAC xfmr resulting in a net DC component, although my coil uses
a pure DC primary drive, and I have not noticed any charging action on nearby 
objects (things may have been charging, but I wasn't looking for that effect).
I'll look for it when I run the coil in January, using a Keithley 616 and a
mini-ESVM made by Sensitive Research.

One quick thing to try, if you still have your experiment set up -- reverse the
leads on the primary, and see if the induced charge on the test plate changes sign.